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Kashiwa City Community Newspaper 2020.06.15

Take caution – COVID-19 measures in the summer season

Contact: Public Information Division – Phone: 7167-1175, Fax: 7166-8289

Although the state of emergency was lifted on May 25, we have not reached the end of COVID-19. In fact, there is a possibility that we could see a second surge of infections. Additionally, the measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 could present unseen risks of heat stroke during the typically hot and humid conditions at this time of year. We ask for your cooperation in the ongoing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, while also being careful of heat stroke.

The unseen risk of heat stroke from wearing a mask

Wearing a mask on a day when the temperature is high can make it feel even hotter and more difficult to breathe than usual.  Body temperature is regulated naturally by sweating, and taking in cool air when we breathe. However, wearing a mask can make it difficult for the body to use breathing to cool itself down. Heat is held in the body, and is difficult to release, so the risk of heat stroke becomes higher. We will need to be particularly cautious when wearing a mask during the season to come.

Please take note of the following points to avoid both COVID-19 and heat stroke, and get through the hot season safely.

Point 1 –Stay hydrated throughout the day

Try to drink some water every hour rather than waiting until you are thirsty, and make a habit of staying hydrated throughout the day. Elderly people and infants may not realize they are thirsty, and may also have a difficult time letting you know. It is very important for people who are close to the elderly and the very young to be especially careful to provide enough fluids throughout the day.

Point 2 – Don’t over-exert yourself, and take deep breaths

If you feel dizzy, light-headed from standing, or other symptoms of heat stroke, head to a place with few people, out of the sun. Remove your mask, take some deep breaths, and have something to drink while you rest.

Point 3 - Ventilate rooms even when you are using the air conditioner

Using air conditioners and electric fans makes the heat bearable, but make sure to ventilate your room about once an hour to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

Be careful about exercising outdoors!

Many people are putting on a mask to go walking or jogging so that they can make up for a lack of exercise. An appropriate amount of exercise is good for maintaining health, and getting rid of stress. However, if you wear a mask and try to keep up with your normal amount of exercise, it puts more strain on your body, making you feel fatigued more easily, thus caution is required. Listen to your body, and make sure that you do not over-exert yourself while you exercise.


When it is difficult to breathe, you are putting more strain on your heart and lungs. Keep your running or walking speed slower than usual, and make your exercise a pleasant experience.


To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 through droplets, keep an appropriate distance from other people in front, behind, and to either side while you run.

Caution: If you can ensure that you have enough distance between yourself and others (2 meters or more), you may take off your mask.

Be careful of food spoilage through ventilation

Ventilating rooms by regularly opening windows and doors is effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 through droplets. However, a hot and humid environment can lead to food spoilage, which creates a risk of food poisoning. Please take note of the following basics in food safety, so that you can exercise caution to avoid food poisoning, and ventilate rooms to take measures against COVID-19 at the same time.

The basics of preventing food poisoning

Basic point 1 – Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds

Washing your hands before preparing food and eating a meal is an effective way to prevent not only food poisoning, but also prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Basic point 2 – Only buy an appropriate amount of food

Make sure to buy enough food, but not so much that it cannot be used up. If you put the food in the refrigerator or freezer as soon as you bring it home, you can keep the growth of bacteria at a minimum.

Basic point 3 – Cook food thoroughly

Cook raw food thoroughly. By heating food so that the center reaches a temperature of 75 degrees or more for 1 minute or longer, you can kill most of the bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Basic point 4 – Cook only as much food as you can eat

If there is leftover food after a meal, put it in a container, and store it in the refrigerator immediately to quickly lower the temperature of the food. Also, if you feel that the food tastes even a little off, don’t eat it.

Assistance for school expenses for households with a sudden change in financial situation due to the effects of COVID-19

Contact: Schools and Education Division – Phone: 7191-7367, Fax: 7191-1212

In Kashiwa City, assistance is available for households experiencing financial difficulties, and who have children attending school. However, some households may be eligible for financial assistance due to a decrease in income as a result of COVID-19. If applications are approved by Friday, July 31, the household will be eligible for financial assistance beginning from the April amount.

Applications during or after August will be eligible for financial assistance for the month following the month in which the application was received, up to the amount for March of next year.


Households experiencing financial difficulty, where the following items are applicable from April 1 to the date of the application.

  • Parents or guardians of children currently attending public elementary or junior high school in Kashiwa City.
  • Parents or guardians currently residing in Kashiwa City, with children currently attending public elementary or junior high school in another municipality.

Both circumstances exclude those eligible to receive financial assistance for school expenses from other municipalities.

Financial assistance details

The cost of school supplies, school lunches, PTA membership, etc.


By Friday, July 31, submit the completed application by mail (to be received by the deadline) or in person at the school your child is attending, or the Schools and Education Division. Application forms are available at the elementary or junior high schools, or from the Schools and Education Division (Shonan Building, 2nd Floor).

Application forms can also be downloaded from the Kashiwa City website.


Approval is determined based on the total income amount from the previous year.

If income decreased significantly from January onwards, and the total income for this year is expected to be below the standard amount for approval, this year’s income situation will be considered in the evaluation




